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SvennoJ said:

hat's why 6x is so underwhelming. The assets are already there on pc, higher res textures, longer draw distance, better lighting and shadows. Stuff that won't all be able to run on the 720 with only a 6x power increase. Thus no room for improvements.

A lot of things can improve gameplay and actually cost the same or less effort for artists. Real time dynamic lighting instead of pre-baked different time of day sets, improved physics instead of scripted events, more enemies on screen, longer draw distance less need of low lod models.

Being that my modest GPU (Radeon HD 5770) runs the vast majority of PC games at (or near) their highest level of detail, at a high resolution with a stable framerate, I think you're ovestating how much game developers are pushing PC hardware ... After all, the reason why so many reviewers are using resolutions like 2560x1600 in their benchmarks are because modern games do not push new GPUs hard enough to act as a reasonable benchmark.

When game engines become highly optimized to the GPUs in the next generation consoles, games will be able to do everything you're thinking of and more with a "6x" performance increase.