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Slimebeast said:

Fudzilla and especially Charlie are legit. They say the X730 GPU is based on the Radeon 7000 series (and will mostl likely borrow tech from the 8000 series too).

So theres still hoper that nextgen can run games with the same graphics as the Samaritan demo who would need a GPU at the level of a Nvidia 580. The demo itself was ran on 3 Nvidia 580s but optemization and direct-to-metal programming could give those graphics with a 580 level GPU on NeXtbox/PS4.

Also I demand at least 3 GB of video memory and 4GB RAM. Cevat Yearli the maker of Crysis said he demands at least 8 GB on next gen consoles.

Video memory I think will be arround 1.5gb and Memory Ram will be some of 4gb... remember that the target price will be arround 400$ not more than that.. so I think the next gen will be shorter than the one that is upcoming.. with light technical improvements..


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