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  • + Good graphics, but quite inconsistent, textures look low-res too often, has a lot of jaggies compared to UC2 and the light rays can sometimes have a weird effect that looks rather nasty.
  • +The set-pieces are quite good, especially the plane part, but they're nothing mind-blowing
  • +Great voice acting.
  • +Varied locations.

Now I'm starting to run out of nice things to say...



  • - Pacing wasn't smooth and sometimes I'd get so bored I'd just turn it off.
  • - The game did a very poor job at explaining Drake and Elena's situation.
  • - The multi-player was cater-strophic imo, I enjoyed UC2's multi-player more, maybe it's just me.
  • - Was there even a story? Whilst acting and storytelling is good the actual story itself like all Uncharted games is merely find a magical object before the evil antagonist does. No depth whatsoever.
  • - Gun-play has taken a huge step back from UC2, just didn't feel as smooth and enjoyable as UC2 did.
  • - The game is overly-animated. Like whenever you go near a wall Drake tries to touch it. And when in gun fights where you're trying to rush into cover but because the animations make the gameplay so slow a simple thing like climbing a ledge and getting into cover will often cause you to die. Irritating.
  • - Lacking in enemy variety.
  • - Catherine Marlowe pales in comparison to Lazaravic.
  • - A very forgettable musical score. 

Please note: I've finished the single-player, played the multi-player for 30 mins and the above is MY opinion, I do not wish to discuss it.