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I looked into tethering for my iphone.
I would have to pay an additional $20 per month just to allow tethering. This $20 month would be recurring every month.

If I go on a road trip or something, the 3G version of the Vita absolutely shows its value. I could get the prepayed non-recurring $15 data plan -one time for such a need. Its great that the pricing is non-contract based.

If it was contract based, it would almost be as bad as me having to pay an extra $20/month just to tether.
If that was the case, I might commiserate with you all- but there is no reason to.

With all of that said, the extra $50 up front for the always present ability to have 3G access, seems like a good choice for me.

̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.