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Funny how science is already assumed to be good. Science has brought us much technological advancement in many facets of life like healthcare or entertainment (videogames for one, heh). But can we at least pause for a second on how this has actually improved our lives?

Are people born now somehow living better lives than our ancestors of recent and long past? Ethics may very well hold science back, but how much is the lack of science really holding back our happiness?

Music is not better today, just different (is Mozart or Jimmi Hendrix's music somehow how less capable than the big production bands of today like a Radiohead or a Nine Inch Nails, or some crazy IDM band?). Video games aren't necessarily better (are 3d games somehow superior to 2d games?). I could go on like this about every technological advancement in every facet of the Arts.

Are my parents happier today simple because they are living longer lives due to science? We may have been more vulnerable to more ailments in the past, but being healthy doesn't equate to happiness, it is only a means to an ends, not an ends in itself.