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Just wait 'till they begin experimenting on you involuntarily because you had no qualms with little to no ethics in regards to science.

You do realize that scientists have murdered many people against their will in the name of their cause, right? The Nazi's weren't advanced in science because of their lack of ethics, but their funding of sciences. Comparatively, Japan killed so many people and gave little regard for science, but had much less progress.

You say that the US is behind on stem cell research, yet you know so little about the actual research to know that Bush never banned funding on said research, but only on embryonic stem cell research. Of which, the vast, and I mean vast amount of breakthroughs have been with non-embryonic research. Look it up:

There has to be some restraint in regards to involuntarily preforming science on others in the name of their own benefit. Such things have happened very often in time past, which is a very scary thing that we should not repeat.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.