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1. Somebody didn't get the joke

2. grr...

3. Best thread ever!

Mod History for twesterm

07/21/10 14:53 dunno001 Ban Flaming (I was initially going to do a warning on trolling the Wii (kids toys, like the Wii), which you should know better than by now, but then I saw user flaming (dharh, using noob, among other things) in the same thread. And that you have been warned about before.) Banned 3 days 3541968
12/23/09 03:57 Torillian Warning Flaming (You got too personal with that response. As much as you may not like the guy and disagree with everything he stands for doing your best to hurt his feelings and insult him serves no meaningful purpose. ) 2948172
03/28/09 02:24 makingmusic476 Ban Spamming (According to the ToS, each thread must have some sort of actual PURPOSE. You're doing nothing but cluttering up the forums.) Banned 3 days 1949131