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I'm pretty sure we all know that interactive cutscenes mean either quick time events or you can walk around lol. If it's just gameplay well then it's not a cutscene is it.

I like the fact that the same studio is now ALSO doing the FFX remake. I guess they were working too fast on FF Versus XIII?I mean I thought the studio handling FFV13 are basically the A-team. The highest order studio. Well in that case why do you need them for a remake? The games already there, it just needs tarting up.

I still maintain that this game could have the same problem as FF12 where it is hugely under-appreciated. I mean if it doesn't make it out this year well then we have the Wii U, so already there is more powerful hardware out with better graphics. If it doesn't make it out early next year then suddenly we have the Xbox next and possibly PS4. We all know that graphics help draw attention to a game and that when new hardware is out a reasonable amount of focus switches to the games on that platform. It risks getting lost in the launch hype for other consoles. Not to mention that after 6 years of being announced.... well hype kinda grows thin.

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.