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Yo folkes,

Portal 2 deserves goty and IGN gave it to it. However IGN continues to amaze me with their awards. I mean jesus christ.

PS3 goty = UC3, 10/10
Wii goty = Zelda, 10/10
Pc/360 goty = Skyrim, 9.8/10

So natrually its between these, all common sense points to it. But heres my take on it =

I vote uc3
Fk no u mad brah, zelda <3
screw both of u, we say skyrim



Ovr = portal

Its just so badly presented! Asuming that EVERY platform has a better game, then they dare say the overall best game is neither? Its apparant that IGN wants to not piss off any fans. Best developer - .. Was it bethesda? Nd? Valve?! Nope! MOJANG! Whaaaat?
Sound - oo bf3? Zelda? Uc3? Naah Dead space! Story - oo uc3? PORTAL?! Naah Catherine!!

These games that won truly deserves it but it is so flawed the way IGN goes about doing it. Its as if the first awards are mainstream awards. Then they wait till Jan 17 to give their underrated awards instead of actual.. You know.. Overall awards. Anywaay:

Ign gives:
Best graphics uc3
Best gfx peoples choice to uc3
Best action peoples choice to uc3

Will update list when im home!