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No to both questions, but those don't cover all the options. If the Wii did not exist I would have a different console by now most likely. My purchase of a Wii pushed back the possibility of me buying another console for a long time. I might pick up a 360 after the next price drop, but I can wait because I have plenty of new games for the Wii to play.

Thinking about it I can say your poll is not going to show what you want it to show. On a gaming website you will get mostly the dedicated gamers posting as less dedicated people won't have any interest. As a result you will find lots of people getting their console of choice rather than settling for an alternative. The desire for a console will be based almost exclusively on the list of games available for it and that likely won't change with the purchase of one system. I suspect if you did an almost iddentical poll for the 360 and PS3 you would get similar results.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229