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zhao3gold said:
I don't know if MS overshipped XBOX360 in 2011 Q4. I will wait till April when MS release 2012 Q1 shipment figure to judge it.

However, we are talking about who will 2011. MS shipped more than 15M+ XBOX360 in the past year. If PS3 shipment figure cannot be over this, it will mean MS won 2011.

Regarding to the negative effect of the "overshipment", I think it would be involved in the topic "who wins 2012".

Just my opinion. I love my PS3 and its games. But I love my XBOX360 more. If someone says "negative" points about 360, I will be a bit of mad. If I offend someone, please forgive me.

I am new here.

Thank you for your honesty and welcome to our site. But one thing I need to make clear, shipping more does not equal selling more. Frankly I'm very confused to what's going on, but it's clear they overshipped, by how much will determine if they won or not.

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11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)