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Mr Khan said:

Consciousness of inequality is the root of all nondemocratic systems (even nondemocratic systems installed and supported by a foreign power have to have a certain class or division of the population as their nucleus, like the Communist intellegentsia installed as rulers of the Soviet satellite states) and the loss of democracy. If one group in society feels alienated enough from other groups, they will feel the urge to seize power completely for themselves to protect their interests. That is why a high degree of class consciousness is bad for any society (unless a society, like for instance India, is so heterogeneous that there's no way any one group can pose a threat or be deemed to pose a threat, but these are the outliers to the system). In the Communist countries, it was some figment of the lower classes, while you saw middle-class Sunni Arabs take over Iraq, and the Taliban represented the Pashto.

Class is an easy way to create divisions in an otherwise homogeneous society, and therefore clear class distinctions from sustained interclass economic inequality should be avoided if at all possible.

In other words, bury your head into the sand.

You cannot help but to see class distinctions when so many of one group's life is so financially constricted & so many of another group's life is so financially liberated.
It's divided by its very existence. If one group lives in mansions & another group lives in tent towns, it is going to be noticed. Not saying it outright doesn't change anything. In fact, that makes it worse. It's a sign of indifference. The Invisible Man.

It's an ecology, OK. To me it's this simple. Why should I have allegiance to a system that has no allegiance to me? Why contribute my efforts to a system that won't contribute to me? Without reciprocation you have no society. The social contract is sacred. No member of the tribe should be left to rot if we really cared about all members of that tribe.

When the ones uncared for know that "They Don't Really Care About Us" (thank you Michael), they reciprocate that lack of care back into the society. Garbage in, garbage out.
If these folks don't care about my well-being, if I'm not part of their group, then why not rob them, why not assault them, why not murder them?
My life ain't important to them so their life ain't important to me. That's how crime rises & soon becomes tradition in a community.

The elite know that it's only a matter of time before balance is restored. When things get crucial they concede some of that monetary wealth, to placate the poor. They run propoganda through media sources they own telling of mythologies like The American Dream. And if all else fails they got a willing set of enforcers (security, police, military) ready to protect them against any possible uprisings. When things got really bad in France they killed King Lou 14 & his main squeeze Antoinette. When things got really bad in Russia they wiped out Caesar Nick 2's entire family including himself.

The elite by definition means few. A few people can't beat millions. Never could. That's why they live in gated communities. It's the quiet fear that one day the rabble will storm the castle. To offset this inevitability, they have big weapons to break bodies & big propoganda to break minds.

Class consciousness is the BEST thing a society can the start. After this, the best thing a society can do is to CORRECT those class divisions. To make a fairer, better society for ALL not just a FEW.

The only reason the elite are still breathing is because the poor fight amongst themselves & won't unite. They're trying to gain rank in this immoral hierarchy & step on each other to rise amongst that rank. Once they stop falling for all the mind games & see the picture clearly then the inevitable conclusion will begin.

It's an ecology. If your body has an diseased part, this illness spreads throughout the body until it destroys it. There's no US & THEM. There's only US.
One body, one ecology.

Address the disease of income inequality before the human ecology succumbs.
John Lucas

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot