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Areym said:
oniyide said:
Areym said:

I would say so. It grabbed the motion controller gig and ran with it and capitalized on the huge market of the casual gamers, who we can assume that most of the younger casual gamers will grow to become core gamers. Wii U is suppose to be a more mature gaming console than the Wii so as their fanbase grows (in age), so will their games.

To stay on topic and keep it simple, it was a big success, no denying.

Gotta disagree, if anything most of the casual owners of Wii are your grandmas, soccer moms, generally people who are not into gaming that much. (look at JD games). The thing is those people have not and will not give a crap about these mature games. ANd im sure the children, already have a PS360 to play those Batmans, GTAs what have you. PUt is this way. I grew up playing a Genesis, but there were no motion controllers to "grab me" and I grew to be a "core" gamer. Why woud this gen be different?

Well, that certainly could be the case, especially with the older casual gamers (which I completely ignored for that very reason) but I'm sure Nintendo didn't set out to make a console which was that forgetable. I really meant those kids around the age of 8 ~ 11, who in my opinion should not be playing GTAs or Batman to begin with. Also not every parent has the money to drop on two consoles. Hell, my parents did not gift me and siblings a console this gen. I actually got my PS3 in 2009 with my own money when I got a job. They were not entitled to buy it for us but it was something we really really wanted. Still, I never complained cause they had bought us a PS2 which was still up an running so I personally believe it's more of a rare case that a parent will buy two consoles (one for core games and one for casual games) than young Wii gamers becoming core gamers. I mean the Wii is economic, durable and has a lot of value to it and chances are that all the games bought weren't all shovelware (with some exceptions within the casual gamer demographic.) Motion controls were a means to grab tha casual audience because at the end of the day, most casual gamers don't give a crap about the line up of an upcoming console. They don't do the reasearch, other than maybe parents looking out for violent video games.

Let me rephrase that statement; "we can assume that a good amount of the younger casual gamers will grow to become core gamers"

I dont think anyone sets out to make a console that is that forgetable (which is why Ninty went back to their non motion stuff IMHO). You say 8-11 year olds should not be playing GTAs and Batman and I agree, but lets be real here, they do play those games. One listen on a COD says they really do play those games. Parents will intially buy one console sure, but how long has the Wii been out?? Its 2012 and the HDs have only gotten cheaper, I think its in the realm of possibility that parents will buy their kid an PS3 or 360 now. ITs not like the WIi is fresh. Hell look at the past sales and see how they have been outselling Wii, despite them being more expensive. Who are buying those and why they no buy Wii?? THat in itself could be a problem for WIi U, for now they are just getting games that are already on cheaper consoles. WHy would a parent spent the extra money just to get little Timmy a game he can already get for a cheaper system?