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happydolphin said:
Train wreck said:

I think people who use Netflix as a guage of the living room are kinda behind the times.  Netflix wont be around in two years, the content cost skyrocketing alone will drive this company to merge with another or go away.  Microsoft is expanding their use of the Xbox kinda as a replacement of the standard set top box adding content providers such as ESPN and Verizon, expaning use of the kinect to drive no gaming activities, you know expaning their living room presence.  Sony still commands 25% of music and movies so their content will be unlimited in the services they can create.  Nintendo doesnt have any of that and is trying to shape it with Wii U and will fail doing so.  No new games on the horizon means alot of Wii owners will be going off nostalgia as opposed to new game content.  The list goes on and on...

Brushing off all the points brought to you which are actually relevant to OP, you then follow by running on assumptions.


"Netflix wont be around in two years, the content cost skyrocketing alone will drive this company to merge with another or go away."

Nice crystal ball you've got, I'd like one. but even then...

What does any of this unfounded extrapolating have to do with Wii's success from 2006 to 2012? Two years from now Wii U is already out, so relative to Wii your argument is moot.


I dont know, I never deemed the Wii to be successful from 2006-2012.  Im just saying that using netflix as a barometer on whether the wii didnt lose the battle of the living room is kinda mute A.  I don't blieve the compnay will be around in two years and B. Its experience is not unique.