It looks like you never see my non-HW sales predictions...
I'll post them again...
- Next major CoD (if there will be any this year) sales in 2012 < CoD:MW3 sales in 2011 (1)
- If PSV won't go horribly bad, Capcom will announce a MH for it
- The best selling dance game next Xmas will be on Kinect (not just USA and UK, WW too) (2)
- PC gaming won't die in 2012 (3)
(1) if it isn't clear, I mean just their sales for the year of their respective releases, so that at the beginning of 2013 will be able to check immediately the prediction. Also, the comparison is for the total of their respective 3 best selling versions, XB360+PS3+PC for MW3, who knows next time...
(2) it could be either a Kinect exclusive or the Kinect version of a multiplat dance game
(3) this one is for teh lulz and to win at least one easy