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HappySqurriel said:
-cut for brevity-

You're wrong on multiple accounts ...

Money is a physical representation of production within the economy. What we see as the value of the money is the exchange rate (for lack of a better word) between the physical money and a unit of production. When you print money at a faster rate than the productivity of the economy increases the exchange rate between physical money and a unit of production changes and we have what we call inflation.

By increasing the productivity of a nation, as we have experienced in the western world for the past several centuries, the amount of goods and services provided to all individuals can increase resulting in a higher standard of living and (therefore) greater wealth to everyone. You can observe this improved standard of living simply by noticing how many of the poorest members of our economy have obtained luxury goods and services beyond what the super rich could have been able to purchase a generation or two ago.


By punishing the successful, as is often argued by people who support wealth redistribution, you risk reducing the rate that productivity increases and therefore make everyone poorer over time.

Hahahahahahaha! Only slavemasters talk about "productivity".

Money is the Universal Trading Piece. No two ears are exactly the same. No two sheep are exactly the same. Weights, heights, quality, you name it. So humankind found a bunch of mostly useless rarish metals & said this will be the stand-in for the trading exchange. Later we said some artistic papers would represent this middleman. Same difference. Worthless shit that is only valuable because WE SAY it is. Fiat. Not valuable because of its inherent function to the human design. Like air, water, food, shelter, sun, belonging & affection.
We made a middleman for the trading game, that's all.

We have more technology in the world than ever before. All of our invention is to make life easier so we would have to be LESS productive. Yet we work harder than ever before & for less return for those labors. Industrial revolution was supposed to make life easier. But all it did was add more work. And not even work that produces things of usable value. A farmer who labors on his field will have plenty of food of HIS OWN to eat like my great-grandparents did in the Great Depression days. Work in places nowadays & your labors only help your business owner eat better. And what you produce isn't even your own!

Money is a game. And Supply & Demand is a strategy. By merit the most important jobs are those who prepare the food & water, those who clean the filth that rots & causes disease. Yep your hunters, farmers, well-diggers, & janitors. However people called hedgefund managers get obscene wealth for money speculation. Kim Kardashian gets millions just for having a "reality" show. Teaching is another crucial profession by merit yet many teachers just get by on their incomes. Doctors/surgeons get paid pretty good but in reality they should be paid even better for alleviating & eradicating diseases & other possibly fatal malfunctions to the human body.

Kim Kardashian ain't productive like those doctors, surgeons, teachers, janitors, farmers, hunters, & well-diggers. Neither are those hedgefund managers. They don't produce nothing of substantial value. Yet they get lots of those "physical representations of production" within an economy. It's not based in reality & the essential needs of the human species. It's based on the human folly of "The Market" & how well those products are marketed.
They marketed a rock, put in a box, & people bought it. But the Pet Rock was virtually worthless & already common. You could find your own Pet Rock outside your house & get it for FREE.

The First World built its wealth off of the Third World. The "Third World" is poor because the "First World" exploited those people & their resources.
Europe built its New World wealth (that it enjoys to this very day) by plunder & pillage. In the lands now known as America (North & South) & the motherland, Africa among other places (like India). The plunderers & their descendants enjoy the fruits of other people's labors & they know it was ill-gotten which is why they are scared to talk about "wealth redistribution". We can't "punish the successful". The successful robber barons, that is.

Some societies had no concept of "money" & they were hard to enslave because of it. By cajoling or outright forcing everyone to deal with this money middleman to enjoy the TRUE VALUABLES of life, they then controlled these formerly no-money individuals. Now they had to trade their labors for the scraps of lucre to get the same things they used to get openly. All while making the one they traded their labors TO all the more lucrative at the laborers' expense.

I'm outnumbered. I'm stuck in this system. I'm stuck in this illusion & am forced to play the game. But I know reality & when i find my window, my escape, I will break this game. Income inequality doesn't die until money dies.
John Lucas

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot