Hey guys! been a while since i posted, ive been Snowboarding alot to get my balance again ready for a trickster night as i didnt go for over a year!!
But anyways back ontopic!
Downloaded the FF13-2 demo and i really like it, I like how you can wonder around and talk the NPC's and also side quests aswell!! the level design was slightly more open aswell which is always a good thing, Overall it seemed a improvment over FF13 which i really really enjoyed anyway so im expecting me to Massively enjoy this game!
Also i read a import review of Ni No Kuni rpg for PS3 and the magazine gave it 91% saying the world is beatifully designed and the battle system is flawless, so that's good news! I'm a fan of Studio ghibli so i was expecting to like this but to see a good review from a magazine that is reliable is a bonus.
PSN ID: Stokesy
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