slowmo said:
At least it's better these days than spending hours editing autoexec.bat and config.sys files whenever you install more hardware ytring to claw back your memory . Modern gamers don't know they're born! A hardcore gamer is one that spends hours staring at text files trying to eek a extra couple of kilobytes of memory while still keeping your soundcard or CD drive working. All without the use of the internet to Google other peoples answers. I shudder even today when I see the Tie Fighter Collectors CD in my PC games collection. |
ROTFL! Although my first own PC after the Spectrum was already with Win 95, before DirectX3, and, much better, DirectX5, DOS games still were the majority, some times I had to edit those darn files too. But while the web was still poor, compared to now, usenet OTOH was thriving, so I had a huge advantage compared to BBS or no connection at all times. DirectX5 was really a milestone for Windows gaming. My current trouble is messed up CD and DVD drivers, so that I can't play games that require the CD inserted and haven't no-CD patch available. I strongly suspect some game's copy protection system.