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Zim said:
The vita is in real trouble. Reasonable said it is still at launch price. Not true. A huge amount of retailers have already dropped the price of the 3G. Around a 15-20% price drop at most stores. That's pretty considerable.

These sales are already after a bit of a price drop from retailers.

The problem the vita has as well is with the 3DS we knew Nintendo could afford to drop the price. With Sony I'm really not sure they can manage it.

Also with the 3ds we knew that Zelda:OoT, Mario Kart, Mario and Monster hunter were coming and they would help sales massively. For Vita what game is going to help? There are no big titles for months. In fact I can't even think of a big title for the Japanese market this entire year. Anyone think of one?

I was clearly talking official RRP as set by Sony.  I do think the 3G sales show that, currently at least, the appetite for the 3G version is way lower and I did see some retailers were dropping the price tactically to clear excess stock - but that isn't an official price change yet.  Retailers have dropped the price of the 360 plenty of times to suit their needs and we don't count that as an official price drop.  Note I'm not saying retailers have dropped price of 360 due to poor sales, just that retail tactical price changes don't - so far as I know - get counted as official RRP changes on VG no matter what's behind them.

I agree that Sony might find it harder to stomach a price drop than Nintendo that early in the devices life.

TBH I suspect Sony will wait and see how it fares in the West ,as TBH I think the launch titles - well some of them like Uncharted - have more chance of being really popular than in Japan.

Personally I think Vita will take time to catch on in Japan - if ever.  I actually think it could - unlike PSP - appeal more in the West this time, particularly if the CoD title for it proves popular.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...