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@tales of the abyss:

it was almost 70€ at Amazon, while now beeing unavailable... i'd like to get it soon, but Namdai threw so few copies out, that the game already increased in Price by 30-40% over the MSRP.. WHAT are they thinking lol!

On another Note, i play PSzero for like 80hours in total now, i freaking love it!! never thought that an MMO can be that good on a DS. (And even the graphics are quite good. i feel the limitations all the time, but it really managed to impress.) does anyone else have it? I'd really like to play it Online with you guys! (though it seems to be pricey in america, i got it on Amazon for around 15€)

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!