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Personally the two that I think of when I hear the word delay are Nintendo and Valve.

And as it turns out, pretty much all of my favorite games come from them :)

Their games just seem to have an extra polish, something which I feel the games probably wouldn't have if they weren't delayed.

Let's take Galaxy. For me, by FAR the best game of last year and possibly the best game I've ever played. It was delayed multiple times. 

The game was probably pretty much done in March, they could have released it and it would have been a full game. However, would it have been as good? Nah, it would probably be lacking a lot of the wonderful creativity and polish that the game lacks, and would have just been a "great game" not the "THUMBDESTROYINGAWESOME game" that it is.

Also, I actually hope Nintendo delays Zelda Wii quite a bit to work on it. I mean, my two favorite Zelda's are FANTASTIC and my favorite games, but it's rather clear they were somewhat rushed (certain parts of the games...Triforce Quest and the Palace of Twilight + Hyrule Castle from TP). If they hadn't been rushed, they could've been even better. (and I already would give them both 9.9's)

As for Valve, they're infamous for delays. Half-Life 2 had a 6 year development time. But when it was released, I found myself playing (IMO) the best FPS game ever released. But yeah, all of Valve's games have that polish.  The Orange Box is the second best game released last year, and as GlaDOS would say "This was a triumph...I'm making a note here, huge success"

Anyway, what game companies do you assicoate with delays? And what do you think of the quality of their games?


Top 3 favorite games: Super Mario Galaxy, The Sims 2 (PC), The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker