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RolStoppable said:
Seece said:

The ones likely to buy their SW anywhere near the rate of the HD consoles ... I doubt it. I'd change that from hot chicks to average chicks. Whilst the hot chicks were at the party next door. If that's what it took to get the 3rd parties on board, that's what they should have done.

We have to work within the framework that was set by history, Seece. The chicks represent the amount of money that can be made. The more, the hotter the chicks are. How much money was made can be looked up in Nintendo's and third parties' financial reports. Based on that, the chicks at the party next door weren't especially hot and third parties needed to drink a lot of booze to make them look better, i.e. take losses for at least a couple of years.

Nowadays Nintendo doesn't throw any parties anymore and the chicks at the party next door look better, because they have undergone extensive cosmetic surgery.

Or to leave this analogy behind, third parties have been very persistent to make the HD consoles viable platforms for them. They lost money for years (some still do), but they kept investing. On the Wii they didn't even seriously try which is why the number of AAA third party games on the Wii is extremely low. What the Wii got in five years is about the monthly average for the HD consoles.

I have never understood anything as clearly as I have understood that "chicks" analogy.  Had my teachers adopted that way of explaining things, who knows where I would be or what I could have accomplished?