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No, the idea is completely ridiculous, and I can't believe many of you are for it. I live in a free country damnit. Also, what is a fat camp going to anyways? Does rehab guarantee sobriety from addiction. No.

Also, anyone who thinks smoking cigarettes should be outlawed needs to have their head examined. Sure, outlaw smoking inside, but outlawing it completely makes no sense. The jobs that would be lost and the taxes the government would lose would be ridiculous.

Making cigarettes illegal, but legalizing Marijuana makes no sense either, as that's a counter point to the original fat camp argument in the first place. Marijuana makes people hungry!!

I prefer to live in a country where free choice is applauded, as opposed to some place where ridiculous laws are set into place just cause you don't like something.

I'm honestly baffled at some of these statements.