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People who use doublespaces after each sentence should burn in hell, because what they do only leads to other people having more work to do.

I lol'd


Financially - 9/10, only reason I marked them down one point is for not raising the Wii's price (MS did it in the UK and got away with it) and not shipping enough during high demand.

Games - 8/10, whilst the games for Wii typically arnt my cup of tea, that doesn't mean they didn't make the right decisions with their SW. Marked them down for not developing enough 1st party exclusives, even during the peak. Last year or so have been pretty bad.

Third Party Relations - 4/10, awful, and don't go blaming 3rd parties either, saw a quote on gaf the other day. 'If you throw a party and nobody turns up, it's not the people that didn't turn up that's at fault, it's the host' (or something to that effect anyway) think it rings true to Nintendo. They just expected 3rd parties to come to Wii, didn't seem to work with them or offer incentives ect (just look at MS on how you should treat 3rd Parties)

Legacy - 6/10, Nintendo have managed to marr the Wii's legacy over the last 2 years, and it's going to go out with a wimper (could have been so different). In the majority of gamers eyes it's a disgrace, to the majority that bought one, they don't give a crap, they're onto the next thing. 10 years time the Wii won't be remembered fondly of. Gets points for selling as much as it did.

Vs. Competition - not sure if I can apply a rating here, or a real comparison ... 1st half of the gen Wii owned, 2nd half it got its ass handed to it, even?