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I was actually going to make a thread about CoD and alcoholism (considering I quit one job when WaW was released (due to nose bleeds from lead solder fumes (poor ventilation at work desk)) and I was eventually laid off about 7 months into owning BO. The only thing I have to show for my time put into BO is the weight I gained by drinking and playing way too much and being in the top 150 HCHQ and HCTDM all time on the Wii.   I also met a lot of people that played on Wii (that were in the top 100 HC modes) that drank more than most people.

So I started drinking more (March 2011) since I was trying to quit smoking weed (didn't really happen too much) to get a better job. Well, eventually I got a job right (mid Sept 2011) when 6 month unemployment benefits were exhausted. I quit my drinking but I have continued smoking weed (which I am about to really take a break this time) I have still managed to drop at least 10 lbs each month even though I over eat sometimes due to smoking too much weed. Obvious that the beer and over eating + pure laziness were to blame than the weed (since I've been lazy with the weed lately and still losing weight (aka metabolism booster!)).  However, sometimes I go into work while coming down (so I have the munchies) but I can't eat cause I am working. Then I eat a variety of fruits that I bring during first break instead of the usual shit processed food (usually from vending machines or fast food) that a majority of the overweight people eat at work. Basically, I look and I can tell by what the people are eating if they are going to be fat or not. I look at the skinny healthy people and they are usually eating fruit for snack during first break while the obese drink carbonated drinks and processed foods.