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Ail said:
MasterVG71782 said:
Ail said:
MasterVG71782 said:
Ugh, the survival trophies for Dungeon Defenders are quite annoying, considering the fact that the game can freeze up on later waves (you need to get to wave 20 on Medium difficulty at least, and you're looking at like 5,000+ enemies per wave after like wave 15-16 or so). My characters still don't seem ready for bosses on Insane, as they simply aren't doing enough damage, so I've been building up a DPS Huntress to take care of the damage portion since my Squire is built for towers only.

My understanding is freeze start to happen around wave 25 , I haven't had any problem with it so far as I never tried to go that far...

I'm done with all levels on insane, still have to do most of the challenges on insane though as well as wave 10 of every level on pure strategy...


My tower squire is a beast now ( 174 tower health, 171 tower damage) and my huntress finally has a very nice blasticus ( 1160 damage).

Getting those last challenge is going to be a pain though. And I still lack a good huntress animus as well as  a good pet for my squire( still got to level the monk and the wizard too)...

Well, considering you don't need to go past Wave 20 at all for any trophy, so it's not that much of a problem. I did let my PS3 idle in between waves around 16 or so, so the ticker in the bottom right would be able to catch up.

I still need to get some good equipment for my Tower Squire and still need a good weapon for my Huntress (I have a poison elemental weapon that deals around 4K a hit for now, which is awesome for bosses and ogres, since they don't have any elemental strengths).

I'm in the process of leveling up a Monk right now, for his auras, which might make soloing some levels on insane.

What you need is a Huntress with a good Blasticus ( 40 dmg+ 25 lvls +).

I was like you using so so weapons and then I got a Blasticus and things changed quickly..Nothing compares to that weapon for a huntress, it's night and day..

I hardly use Piercing shot anymore.

My dps with Blasticus is 27k/s. ( no piercing shot, mix in piercing shot and it's like 50k/sec)

And you are going to need that for online game.

In Insame Summit online, the Ogres in the later waves have over 600k+ hp and I down them solo in like 15 seconds.

PS : Elemental weapons are ok but they will kill you in challenges like Zippy Terror where 1 immune mob will get you killed..

Well I'm down to 4 insane challenges and then a bunch of easy time consuming stuff..

Out of those 4 I believe I can solo 3 but I might need to upgrade some more gear, max my monk towers and possibly get a good huntress animus( for Treasure Hunt, Monster fest, Death from Above).

There's no way I can solo the last challenge ( Zippy Terror on Insane) so I need to keep looking for a game with non retarded players for that one...

With luck I should have the platinum within the next 8 days...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !