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Tigerlure said:
Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:
ils411 said:
Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:
Youve got to give credit to MS for surviving the Ps3 slim momentum, PsMove and the Ps3 price cut altogether. And now their YOY is larger than Ps3's.

Wait, What? Really now? If anything, its Sony who was able to survive the X360's momentum with the Slim, Kinect, massive $100 giftcards, numerous bundles and a $500M (2010) and $500M+  (2011) advertising budget.

If anything. Xbox was able to survive the onslaught of the Playstation brand from its domination of the 5th and 6th gen. 

You're making more excuses.

Sounds like plenty of excuses everywhere. End of the day, most of what anyone says here will not matters the least bit. It is mostly pointless opinionated bs not backed by any worthwhile facts. Bottom line will be all that matters at the end.

Competiton drives innovation. Hopefully all the companies continue to do well and continue to produce games most of us would enjoy.