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Kasz216 said:
sethnintendo said:
Kasz216 said:



In the US you have something like a 40% chance to develop some kind of cancer.  So that 4 latin leaders developed cancer doesn't seem too farfetched.

Thanks to a shitty US "diet" of processed foods and fats.  If USA citizens actually ate what they were supposed to eat (fruits and veggies) then cancer rates would be far less.   I blame the horrible USA food intake for most of the health "problems".

Would make you wonder what was wrong with Denmark and New Zealand then.  (Two counties ahead of the US in cancer prevelence.  Which is notable since Cancer gets detected faster in the US then anywhere else, lasts longer as more people have the option to put off treatment.)

In NZ it's possibly partially down to the hole in the ozone layer? We have extreme levels of UV radiation here which leads to a higher than usual incidence of skin cancer.

Edit: And of course the US isn't giving Latin-American leaders cancer. People get cancer, coincidinces happen. Also if the CIA was to give cancer to people why on earth would they give cancer to the relative moderates in Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil?