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otislotus said:

"We don't know how life got started but we think over millions, even billions of years, some chemical or physical mechanism managed to produce self-replicating molecules and, eventually, the first single-celled organisms."


We think , we don't know.  Their is no factual proof for either.  Christians at least admittedly take what they think they know or feel as an act of faith.  Thomas edison was quoted as saying that the accumulative knowledge of all mankind is less than 1/10th of 1%. given what we have learned since then assuming all our knowledge equals an incredible 1% of all knowledge in the universe isn't it possible that in the 99% we don't know that their is evidence of a creator?  given how little we do know isn't it ignorant to assume that you know something and act pompous and take a holier-than-thou attitude on a subject that has no factual proof one way or the other?

It says "we don't know".  We admit we don't know and therefore shouldn't make unbased claims until we do know.

Stopped reading after that, sorry.