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Despite having “the biggest and most varied” single player campaign of any of its predecessors, the focus of the new Twisted Metal installment is mainly about the multiplayer.

This is why the game’s creator suggest that those who are interested in the game just for the single player offering may want to rent it first.

“…If you are buying the new TM ONLY or MOSTLY for campaign, might I suggest a rental?

Again, not knocking our campaign- it really is the biggest and most varied one we’ve ever done- but just want to set expectations and be super clear that the heart and soul of the title is all about the MP. I feel I have to do that in this day and age of MEGA MASSIVE super amazing games that have campaigns like Batman, Uncharted 3, and Skyrim. 

How many video game developers in this day and age would tell their fans to rent their product instead of purchasing it weeks before the game hits retail? Not many I’d imagine. That’s what makes EatSleepPlay co-founder, David Jaffe, one of a kind.

Twisted Metal ships in North America February 14th.


hoping theres some kinda demo for it prior to release


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