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Player1x3 said:
EdHieron said:
Player1x3 said:
EdHieron said:
Jumpin said:

spurgeonryan said:

Why can't Christian's accept Evolution?

Actually, I think mostly all Christians in the western world do accept evolution. The Catholic Church also officially accepts evolution.

The Christians who do not accept evolution, don't accept it for the same reason that any non-Christian who don't believe evolution wouldn't accept it - it is a matter of not being educated about evolution. I would say that nearly 100% of (if not all) liberal Christians accept evolution - I also think that the majority of Christians in the western world are liberal Christians.

I also feel that the atheist perception that all Christians don't accept evolution is a product of neo-atheist prejudice/ignorance.

It seems as if  that you've not spent much time in the United States (especially the Southern Parts) where 70% of the Christians believe in the Literal Truth of The Bible and reject the notion of Evolution being taught in schools.

it seems southeast america =  world

If you live there it is.  But one also has to take into account that the US is the most powerful nation on earth and its policies are shaped to a large extent by the 70% of Fundamantalists that live there.  For example, if Obamaisn't re-elected in November, then he's probably going to be replaced by a wannabe Theocrat with a heavy interest in supporting wars in the Middle East stemming from his religion.

American involvement in middle east doesn't have the first thing to do with religion at all whatsoever. Especially not in Iraq

America's involvement in the Middle East has a tremendous amount to do with religion.  Why do you think that America donates so much money to Israel for weapons instead of working to help them compromise with the Palestinians?  It's because there is a huge lobby in this country ( the US ) that believes the story in Revelations is a historical event that is going to occur in the immenent future.