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Rpruett said:
Sirstopp said:
Vertigo-X said:
Sirstopp said:
If you really pay attention to Ron Paul though, he isn't that great. He's what you would say is a "front page" candidate. One that looks good on the surface, but go deeper into it and it's really ugly and something awful.

For example:

Okay, I'm getting a good laugh at your post.


That NY Times BLOG REEKS of bias. I don't even care to read the whole thing because it seems like the blogger was putting his own spin on events... -_-

Are you kidding me? He was against the Civil Rights Act and would have voted against it if he had the chance because he says it "infringes on personal rights". He has actually said this stuff. Does that sound like a candidate that is sane? Ron Paul has shown time and time again that he is insane. He doesn't even believe in separation of Church and State.

He's 100% right.   Insane?    I'm against portions of the Civil Rights act (Just as Ron Paul is).  I think racism is prevalent as ever because of what I would call 'forced' differences within society.  That comes in terms of giving minorities benefits that (Whites for example) don't get.  It keeps race specifically showing as an *issue*  or *difference*.  When the reality is, I think most people of my generation don't really consider race an issue.  Yet Obama ran on that platform like he was personally getting hosed down by the police.   It's ludicrous.

It goes against the constitution, it really does.  Why should the government tell you how to operate your business or how much of what race you  need to hire?   Why do colleges allow lesser qualified minorities into college for a cheaper rate than their non minority counter parts?

And where does the government stop once they control how you operate your business?  They don't stop.  They want to keep reaching further.  Look at Rick Santorum, the guy wants to control what everybody does and thinks its the governments OBLIGATION and he came out strongly in Iowa.  Patriot Act,  Internet restriction acts.  It doesn't stop.  It just keeps going.   We have the highest incarceration rate in the world.  Aww shucks, I wonder why?    And we still have more 'CRIME' than a majority of places in the world.

Wake up.

On the contrary, I think you need to wake up. Rascism has been and still is very prevalent in the United States. You think I don't notice when public places have put up end rascism posters and people just go there and tear them down over and over? These people would in no way hire minorities over whites. No way. Black unemployment for teenagers is 41% last I checked. It still is very much needed. The reality is many of these southern and midwestern areas of the US are plagued by this. I live in one such town. It still is an issue. It's not ludicrous. Every generation goes through a civil rights movement, and then the generations afterwords are fighting off the stereotypes that come from that. The 60s were not that long ago, and it has not been enough time. 


You do realize regulation of the economy is needed right? Do you remember when they pumped cows full of TB so it would get fatter? Or when American cities used to look like what Beijing does today? I'm going to say no because those aren't around today due to the efforts of the government. Now for the latter part I would have to say I don't agree with that, they are compensating for shitty primary schools in areas with huge amounts of minorities. If anything, they need to fix those schools instead of compensating for it later. It really is quite a dumb idea.


That I have not completely decided for myself. I am still working out my political views. I'm finding myself to be a progressive and have realized the risks of the deregulated world we live in now. Now the examples you have stated are poor examples of regulation. Regulation in itself is not a bad thing. But poor regulations are very troublesome. Patriot Act and SOPA are examples of poor regulations where the government is trying to limit the civil liberties of the person and doesn't generally know what the fuck they are talking about. You see that's the thing. When the government actually knows the problem they can find a solution. But they don't know. Lobbying from huge corporations to increase their interests cloud what really needs to be done. They don't know they are doing wrong, they have all this information from corporations on bills like those and they make it sound good. Would you say that the Clean Air Act or the Pure Food and Drug Act is bad? These are regulations that prevent companies from doing certain things, and it has helped the populace. Regulations aren't bad in themselves, its just poor ones that are bad.


Now you did mention a rhetorical question of why we have the highest incaration rates. That's due mainly because of the Drug War. Such a stupid thing. I support decriminalization of drugs. We are fighting a stupid war on drugs and it is getting worse, not better. This is another example of poor regulation. 


The attack on our civil liberties is a problem that Social Conservatives have been placing on people for forever. Ron Paul isn't a cure for this. When you remove the walls between state and religion, bad things are going to happen. There is a reason why gay marriage is illegal. Why sexism is still prevelant. Things that directly affect me (considering I am a gay american, and for that reason alone I will fight Ron Paul to the death), and things that affect millions of people. Ron Paul isn't the cure, he's the problem. He's another conservative that wants to let religion into government, and I and millions of other Americans will NEVER get rights if that is allowed to happen. Ron Paul has things I agree on him with (non interventionism (although I'm not particularly as much of an isolationist like he is), decriminalization of drugs, and lowering of our deficit) but there are things that cannot be accepted (dismantling separation of Church and State, and letting Christian rule enter the country, deregulation of the economy). Those are dangerous things, and will reverse everything we have worked so hard to get to. Obama may not deserve a second term, but Ron Paul doesn't deserve a first.