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BlkPaladin said:
bouzane said:

The same reason why they thought the Earth was a flat disc in the center of the Universe, because the Church is still trying to further the Dark Ages to harm the advancement of mankind. Remember that the greatest enemy humanity ever had has not changed over the centuries.

It was the Catholic Church that caused the dark ages. But they also surpress knowledge of the bible also by keeping it in a laungage that could not be read by the common man.

The bible while it isn't a scientific book is very acurate about science when it does touch on the matter. The Mosaic Law coventant contains heath codes that serverly went against the grain of the times. Such as the removal of excurment from living areas. The egyptians of the time were using urine and excurment as medicines.

The word used to describe the shape of the earth in Job is the same word used for sphere. It also described the earth as hanging on nothing. In the book of Isaiah there is a poetic description of the Water Cycle.


And in my last post I sould of been a little clearer. Creationist isn't a person who believes in creation. It a person who believes in the literal (as oppose to figurative) interpetation of the bible's verses in spite of proff otherwise. They believe that the universe and earth where created in 7 24-hour days. As oppose to believing in a creator.

I wasn't expecting such an insightful post, thank you for the reading material.