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@KylieDog & EncodedNubble
Thanks guys. Yeah I really wanted to play Alan Wake, but since its 360 only I'll have to wait for the PC version. And I always heard good things about Silent Hill 3, but for some reason never played it. I only played Silent Hill 1 & 2. That damn Pyramid Head scarred the crap out of me in SH2! Silent Hill Downpour on PS3 has my attention too.

I remember when I first played RE1 as a kid it was too scary and difficult for me so I temporarily skipped it & RE2 until I got a little older and picked up Nemesis. RE3 was the first Resident Evil game I was able to complete and man it was intense! I remember running from the Nemesis as he chased you from room to room, and just when you thought you were safe he breaks through a wall to continue his pursuit and shoots a rocket launcher at you! I only ever felt truly safe in save game typewriter rooms...
After RE3, I went back and played RE1 & RE2 on PS1. Played the RE1 remake on Gamecube too.

Meanwhile System Shock 2 provided another type of scare for me (a psychological one) from the moment a robot worker asked me if he could help me and then proceded to try to kill me! I didn't trust anyone after that. The voice acting and sound effects for enemies were so well done at the time. I wonder if GLaDOS from Portal was inspired by SHODAN from system shock. And for anyone that doesn't know: Bioshock was the spiritual successor to System Shock. There a few similarities, you even had plasmid like weapons in System Shock except it took place in deep space instead of the deep sea, underwater.