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The PSN Amy comes out next week. Haven't been many great survival horror games this generation so I'm hoping its scary!

What are your guys favorite survival horror games? Any from this gen?
A couple of my all time favorites would have to be System Shock 2, Fatal Frame 2, Eternal Darkness, The Suffering, Silent Hill 2, Resident Evil 1-3, and F.E.A.R.

On PS3 I found the following games scary (playing with the lights out of course): Siren Blood Curse, Condemned 2, Dead Space 1, Bioshock and F.E.A.R. 2 thanks to the ghost scenes and music/sound effects during those moments. Ghosts really creep me out and combined with the music & sfx it would make my hair stand on end. Dead Space 1 audio also made me jump a lot, but in a different way. It was usually just from a sudden audio conversation. There would be silence as I'm walking down an empty hallway then the Sgt yells "ISAIC" over an audio transmission to tell you something is happening. It was dead silent followed by such a loud transmission. Peter Mensah was awesome as Sgt. Zach Hammond. I missed his presence in Dead Space 2.