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lestatdark said:
lestatdark said:

I ask you this: Do you have any right to take the life of someone else's son or daughter?

As for the question about the killed kids family... who cares? They should have taught their kid to be good people instead of an asshole. Its their fault, not the kid who DEFENDED HIMSELF AND POTENTIALLY HIS LIFE. So, yes I absolutely have the right to take anyone's life when they are threatening my life.

You have to consider the larger area here. This wasn't a one time issue, this was a continuous attack from a bully and potentially his friends over and over again. The bullied kid even went so far to avoid them by taking different routes home. They sought him out to do harm and eventually it very well could have moved on to his own severe injury or death.

Who cares about the family? What kind of abhorent mentality is that? 

So, just because the kid was a bully, do you think his parents never teached him to be a good person or didn't care? Do you know most parents don't know about their kids being bullies because either the school doesn't do anything about it or the bullying is done hidden from view? Don't you think the bully's parents loved their kid just as much the victim's kid parents did? 

Don't patronize me about how bullying occurs, I know perfectly right how it goes and everything that you do to avoid it and still never working because the aggressions continue, I lived through that hell for two years. Still that doesn't justify murdering someone. 

You know what, I'm through with this topic. The disregard I see for another's life is excrutiantgly high and it sincerely sickens me. "An eýe for an eye will make the world go blind".

You're missing the massive point that should be smacking you in the face.

This wasn't just a bully where you get a little push here or there, some name calling etc. This was a situation where the kid's overall health and potentially his life was clearly in danger. If you're life is in danger, you shouldn't be conserned with how the attacker's family will feel. You should do what it takes to protect your life.

If you were bullied for years, then you allowed it to continue. You should have stopped it at all costs from the very beginning. Get parents/teachers/etc involved. If its beyond harrassment and continues to the point where you greatly fear for your life, then so be it. You must defend your own life first and foremost.