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lordmandeep said:

remember this is the US, you have to go quite far to be accused of excessive self defense. Remember the case of the guy shooting and killing 3 guys who he say robbing his neighbours house and was seen as a hero.

Almost for certain the kid would be charged for murder or manslaughter in Canada. I think in Canada the self defense laws are in simple words "sissy". For example if someone robs your house and you hit him with a baseball bat its okay, hit one to many times and the police make you the villain. A lot of people need to remember in Canada, that our self defense laws are very restricted. Living beside the US makes a lot of think we can beat the crap out of anyone who threatens us, but that is not the case.

However the law is being relaxed due to the infamous Chinese Grocery store incident in Toronto. What happened was a crazy guy robbed a grocery store, the guy came back and an employee detained him. The police came by and arrested both of them. You see in Canada, you cannot citizen arrest someone if they leave the place of a crime and come back.
So what happened is they gave the robber a plea deal to testify against the employee being accused of forceable confinement and assault. It went to court however there was such a public response that it was dismissed and the Prime Minister stepped in and declared the employee a hero.

It was quite a sad and controversial affair, as most Canadians saw the whole court case as pointless. The problem is elites in Canada want people to have no individual right to defend themselves and to rely  and have full faith and confidence in the authorities. No one is asking for the Castle doctrine, but the rules need to be changed and they are.


Another famous case was a drug store owner who shot a thief and was vilifed as a murderer and a jury said he was no guilty. However in Alberta guys were trying to blow up a firebomb at a house and the farmer started shooting in the air to scare them away and was charged.

Sounds like another area to pile on the heap of things US does far better than Canada. In every example you listed, the person defending themselves or their property would have been perfectly safe.

lestatdark said:

I ask you this: Do you have any right to take the life of someone else's son or daughter?

As for the question about the killed kids family... who cares? They should have taught their kid to be good people instead of an asshole. Its their fault, not the kid who DEFENDED HIMSELF AND POTENTIALLY HIS LIFE. So, yes I absolutely have the right to take anyone's life when they are threatening my life.

You have to consider the larger area here. This wasn't a one time issue, this was a continuous attack from a bully and potentially his friends over and over again. The bullied kid even went so far to avoid them by taking different routes home. They sought him out to do harm and eventually it very well could have moved on to his own severe injury or death.