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@ millenium it is the legacy console of choice already- with 94.6 million sold are you kidding me, and the ds has already took ps2s spot! so your to late on that one , and yes with marioparty 9 fortune street , the new zelda recently, kirby, those operation rainfall games people were whining about for so long i lost count on how many threads their were, about these titles, so they better go out and buy them -or theyll prove that they would break under pressure,

and with a whole year to go ,,
we still got e3 nintendo always has the last say in its console ,

they may suprise everyone at e3 with wii remember wii u is bc so , it wouldnt make since to drop wii just because wii u is coming , maybe theyll get one of the games they hadnt got on wii yet on wii before it goes out ,

you never know

and i really dont think it matters if wii over takes ps2 --because ds is a nintendo product and it has already done that ,

in 6 million more units nintendo will do what no one else has done before -

sell 100 million home consoles and 100 million portables in the same gen , ,
also this would put sonys 2 gens to shame lol all the work sony has put to put a record up with 2 streght gens at 100 m will be worthless cause nintendo was able to do it in one gen!

and ftr 3ds looks like itll be another close one ,
at this rate its selling slighlty more better then ds