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LIVE Activity for week of 1/14

Xbox 360 Top Live Titles (based on UU’s)
1 Call of Duty 4
2 Halo 3
3 Guitar Hero III
4 Gears of War
5 Rock Band
6 Madden NFL 08
7 Assassin's Creed
8 Mass Effect
9 FIFA 08
10 Forza Motorsport 2


Not surprised at all since all my friends including I jump to COD4 as soon as it was out.  I mean we did get our moneys worth on Halo 3 before COD4 as we played it relentlessly but COD4 just had a better multiplayer experience for us.  Best thing is I was able to get $45 when I traded in Halo 3 for rock band as I got 35$ for the game and an extra 30% because it was towards Rock Band.  Good deal if you ask me. Also nice seeing Rock Band at #5 considering it is ahead of games that have sold 1 million+ like madden, mass affect etc.  Yes I know this list is for people who go online but it is a list noneless.