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Darc Requiem said: Any IBM benchmarks for the sell processor do not apply to the PS3. IBM benchmarked the Cell with 8 SPUs. The Cell in the PS3 only has 6 available SPUs.
Ok, so let's just take 20% off those benchmarks. That means the PS3 is capable of running at speeds 10x faster than a standard intel... still. *yawn* The processor on the PS3 is awosome. Stop being stupid and attacking stuff like that. These charts and stuff seem kinda useless to me. They have no revelance with the PS3. The Cell is under-used by the games right now. Once multi-threaded games start coming out, they will probially be optimized for the PS3, and then ported to the 360. (why? because the Cell is harder to program for, while the 360 is easier, so program it for the hard, and port to the easy. That way you can kinda optimize for the 360 as well) I hate to break it to you guys. But It's not funny anymore. You guys are a sad lot. Someone says the PS3 is awosome. You say "It's crap." Someone sends a link to how under-used the PS3 is. You say. "The PS3 is crap." Someone sends a link to how powerful the PS3 is. You say "It's crap. It's not that powerful." Your right. It is NOT that powerful compared to a Cray. It's only about 50% faster... Than a CRAY. Maybe the lot of you dont know what a cray is. But they had a computer running a 5Ghz, 17 years ago. Yeah, Back with PCs were running at about 66mhz. And if I'm not mistaken the cray was running on an entirely gold system. Each chip cost more most cars for sale. Oh, yeah. They also live in massive aquariums, with a bubbler to make the water flow move, because the temperature diffrence, wasnt enough to move the water. They had to have the water FLOWING. RAPIDLY. Welcome to a True Supercomputer. (they dont make'em like they used to) I agree. Games use about 5-15% of the power. I also am not sure what % of power games are useing on the RSX. As it's too early to be dumping extreme optimized code out yet.

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!