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Torillian said:
lewisgerm said:
Torillian said:

there would still be online gaming. last gen, xbox was the only console with good online, but this gen, online would have been a natural progression. its obvious. we didnt need microsoft for that. yet people are still willing to pay them fifty dollars a year for nothing. whatever. the market is the market i guess so cant complain about that too much.

to tackle your second point, i do want to sell first party games used, and i do encourage it quite successfully, but you brought up third parties and how it doesnt follow that i would punish them for making a game on the 'wrong' console. but so many of them are now locking out single player content. i have not heard of microsoft supporting this directly, but i am sure they are up to no good. you know how they are. sony, i do remember them saying they were going to practice this, although i think they just recently said they werent, so who knows. third party games are doing this though, and i am not going to support them. i am going to screw them out of every single new sale i can.

last point about skyward sword. there is a key difference you are missing. skyward sword and nintendo are actually enhancing gameplay experience with the wii motion plus. not to mention all wiis sold for the past year to year and a half come with motion plus already. so many people already dont have to pay extra for it. on the other hand, these fuckers are claiming that your extra ten dollars are going to help them "enhance the online experience," which we all know is BULLSHIT. and this goes for every game that they decide to pull this with. nintendo and skyward sword are not trying to kill off the used market, so yes there is a HUGE difference. you cant tell me that you dont see it?

So you punish all 3rd party developers because some do what Batman Arkham City did?  Because I can only really think of that one example.  Telling me that you're punishing NISA because of what Warner Bros. is doing?  And won't third parties do the exact same thing on Wii U once they have an online system capable of it?  

Alright so you have a reason to dislike what Sony does with the activation Fee for online, but I know for a fact you did this long before that was an issue so don't act like that's the reason you started this habbit.  

If Nintendo can charge extra for having a new control scheme why can't MS charge extra for having a fantastic online system.  Yeah Nintendo gives theirs away for free but it's nowhere near as feature laiden or general quality as MS's so that doesn't mean much.  Perhaps if Nintendo actually put that kind of effort into their online they'd charge for it too.  

first of all all ea games are doing it: battlefield, madden, rage does it, homefront has it, its about getting ridiculous.

and ok, you caught me, i did it long before online pass was even presented to us, but the point is that i sony and microsoft suck and i want to sell their stuff used, and nintendo are the true masters of the industry, and im going to help them out in whatever way i can.

and third, i tried explaining to you the difference between actually enhancing gameplay vs acting like youre trying to enhance something when really, youre trying to kill the used market. now youre changing it to motion plus vs constantly paying for online. well, again, every wii that has launched since 2010 comes with a motion plus, so a huge portion of people already get it for free. and games like wii sports resort and tiger woods pga 10 came with it already packed in at no extra cost. so there are a few ways in which nintendo didnt even charge for it. if you already have a wiimote, you can just buy one for 15 to 20 dollars. a ONE time charge for you to play ANY motion plus game you want. or you can just get the effing game you want with it already bundled. compare that to microsofts raping you for 8 dollars a month just to play online. consider that nintendo actually made something that ENHANCES the gameplay experience. microsoft is not taking your 8 a month, or 50 a year and using it to improve the experience you are having. its not worth it, especially when you have ps3's online to compare it to which is JUST AS GOOD.

and i seriously doubt nintendo would ever charge somebody just to play !!JUST TO PLAY!! online. that is absurd.