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oni-link said:
thismeintiel said:
oni-link said:
bmmb1 said:
thismeintiel said:
gustavohenrique said:
Vita sales is the talk of the week, started to get boring.

Agreed.  We at least gave the 3DS a month or 2 after it was released before we declared it do0med.   

I say we give the same benefit to the Vita.  At least let it launch in the other regions first.

This was not because of altruism on the part of some camp, that was simply because the 3DS' second week in Japan was over 200k. Had the 3DS second week in  Japan been 70k, I am absolutely certain it would have been declared do0med right then and there (especially by some of those presently rationalizing in various forums current Vita sales as ok).

That said, while these Vita second week sales ARE very bad 2nd week sales numbers, especially given the season,  there is no reason whatsoever to declare Vita doomed.

I agree Vita sales are HORRIBLE!!! Despite what people here think many analyst (forbes and such) are already saying it's a bomb.  Even IGN a stout Vita supporter said sales were horrible!!! It's headed the same path as the HP touch pad if sales in North America doesn't become a success and outsells 3DS first week sales!!! (my opinion)

That's a little drastic, don't you think?  It doesn't really matter if the Vita outsells the 3DS, just as it didn't matter that the PSP outsold the DS.  The fact that Sony has even been able to make place for itself in a market only Nintendo succeeded in previously, while also making a profit, is probably good enough for Sony.  Of course, we have yet to see how the Vita fares in other parts of the world.  Or even how well the 3DS will continue to do once the holiday season is over.  Plus, Sony is most likely going to drop the price a little around the holiday season in 2012, which will definitely boosts sales quite a bit.  As far as those sites go, the more sensational your story is, the more hits you get.  And that means more money.

like I said in my previous post, I like Nintendo having competition (it spurs their creativity and good for the industry in general).   The reasoning that the PSV doesn't have to sell better it's first month in all territories in comparison to 3DS is bull (my opinion).   The handheld market today for dedicated videogame systems is a lot smaller compared to when the DS and PSP first launched due to smartphones and tablets. In addition, Sony as a whole is in financial turmoil if you look at the news with their credit being downgraded and the selling of their LCD plants to competitor Samsung.  I still don't buy the whole PSV is profitable on day one crap.  I think it's marketing on Sony's part and I will have to wait to see an unbiased independent breakdown of the hardware to see how much it cost Sony to produce the product.  Remember, that retailers also buys the PSV for essentially half of it's MSRP.   Sony cutting the price of the PSV so soon in it's release is financial suicide and will end up being another HP touchpad/Dreamcast scenario (that no one would like to see).

I wouldn't buy that bull that the handheld market has shrunk.  That's just sensationalist journalists looking for hits.  If it truly had shrunk, there is no way Nintendo would have been able to sell over 14 million 3DSs in its first 10 months.  Which is better than DS's first 13 months.  Granted the DS didn't launch almost the same time in most regions like the 3DS did.  And while the Vitas second week isn't all that great, it still has launched larger than the PSP did (Vita's 2 week total of ~430K compared to PSP's two week total of ~248K).  If anything this shows the market has grown, or at the very least, has not been affected at all by smartphones and tablets.  So there is plenty of space for both handhelds in the handheld market.

As far as the financial side goes, I don't think Sony is breaking even on the Vita, either.  However, they have said they were keeping costs in mind when making it, so I would imagine they aren't losing too much on it.  Plus, they are definitely making a nice profit off of the memory cards and reports say those are selling nicely.