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The OP is definitely what one would call an instigator, and I don't know whether this thread is a result of clueless ignorance, being socially retarded (despite people throwing out the "racist" card, I don't believe this is the case) or just trying to stir people up while protesting innocence and normally these kinds of threads don't even merit a response, but some of the responses do bring up some interesting issues.

There is no one size fits all answer.

For anyone of asian descent, born in the US, while it may be up to the parents to decide how to raise their children as a Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, whatever household, ultimately it's the kid's decision which culture he or she chooses to adopt. One would probably be more inclined to stick with what they were raised with, but it goes without saying that not everyone falls into the same mold.

With each passing generation, ties to the culture of origin become weaker without deliberate attempts to strengthen those bonds (regular trips to country of origin, regular correspondence with relatives from country of origin, maintaining use of language of country of origin, etc.) and in the case of multi-racial pairings, which culture a given child chooses to identify with becomes even more open.

While I personally find it a bit of a shame when a first gen immigrant goes through great lengths to hide their ethnic origins, I also acknowledge that a lot of people simply want to fit in rather than attract unnecessary grief if they happen to immigrate to a non-ethnically diverse region of the country.

In the instances where there is a built in population of their ethnicity of origin, it's entirely an optional thing (choose to keep acquaintances with culturally familiar faces, or not) rather than some sort of social survival mechanism.

Regardless, no one writes the rules when it comes to whatever culture an individual, regardless of ethnic/racial background, chooses to identify with.

As for the whole hair color thing; I thought all asians had like green, magenta and or blue hair. Have I been watching the wrong cartoons?