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wow i not been around for ages so not seen the numbers. Have to say 360 has done very well and could just nick it. But either way technically it will be a draw.
Which is pretty amazing when you consider the 360 has not had a proper price cut for three years or so.

It makes you wonder how next year will go as PS3 has had a couple of price cuts to sustain its numbers. It is around £170 now here in UK. Where as MS have yet to actually do anything with the 360 other then the whole Kinect thing. If they cut and went under £99 they would destroy PS3 numbers. Question is though are MS now more concerned with posting more profits? Either way these numbers make you wonder if they will announce the new console next year at all. They don't need to. But as a gamer i hope both Sony and MS announce their new consoles. This gen has got a bit boring now tbh.