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Legend11 said:
nnodley said:
i hope vita does better in US and Europe. It has a good launch lineup and i only hear good things about it so I'm hopeful.

The Vita is going to bomb pretty badly in the US, I doubt even a price drop would save it at this point.  Europe on the other hand is what will decide the fate of the system.  One major problem though will be the reliance on Western third parties for the system's success since I think they're only going to give it token support at best.  Those thinking that ports of major multiplatform games will somehow cause the system to succeed seem to forget that by the time it has any kind of significant installed base outside of Japan the next generation of consoles will be here.  The system will basically be getting downgraded ports that will likely be an afterthought compared to the consoles, much like the Call of Duty franchise on Wii for example.

I don't think it will bomb, thats a little harsh. I really don't think it will have great sales or mediocre sales, i think it will have decent sales. 

But most of the launch lineup for vita are all original games and not ports.  Ya there will be some ports but it will be the original games that will move vita units.