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Slimebeast said:
rocketpig said:
I have the sneaking suspicion that Windows 8 is not going to be revolutionary. I really hope it is but I just don't see it happening. It's full of intriguing ideas but I don't think that's where the market is going. Still, I hope for the best. Microsoft needs a shot in the arm but I fear that they're in a permanent state of stagnation (outside of the Xbox division, their one truly great venture of the past 15 years).

What are some of the intriuging ideas of Windows 8? And where is the market going instead of those ideas?

I too believe Microsoft is in a permanent state of stagnation.

What is Apple TV predicted to be? Is it like Xbox TV, that you get a bunch of channels and a movie service through a box that is connected to the internet?

Well, the idea of a tablet OS integrated into a full OS is intriguing. It leads to some really cool possibilities with fluid tablet workspaces that actually create instead of just consume. Don't get me wrong, I love my iPad. But it's not a creation device. It's a consumption device. I need a full computer alongside it to draw, color, and do design work. Windows 8 probably won't cure the need for two devices but if done well, it could be a step in the right direction. Plus, it is the first step to real tabletop computing, which is an idea I still want to see happen.

Apple TV (or iTV) will be a streaming/cloud device pulling from all sources. Not that fantastic as-is but still a worthwhile device (I own two of the current model). But add in Siri and that could change entirely. The idea of being able to talk to the device and have it pull from 5-6 sources to deliver all the content you want in mere moments is drool-worthy.

Siri is really a game-changer. It's fucking brilliant and I don't use that kind of praise often. Shit, it will probably be the main reason I go back to iPhone next time my contract is up (unless Android really wows me in the next 8 months and convinces me to stick with the platform).

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