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I feel the need to jump in this whole US buy 360 because it's American / Japanese buy Sony because it's Japanese.

Personally I think this is most likely bollocks for the majority. Sure, some locals will do that in each country, but I doubt the majority.

The 360 sells well is US because it's library and features are popular and appeal vs the PS3. Particularly early on in the gen the 360 have a good Live service and MS saw that in US they could own the demographic that previously focused on PC for online gaming. Sony/PS3 lagged well behind for too long and simply didn't offer the right features when the 360 did. Now 360 simply has the best marketshare.

I'd note that during this the Wii - a Japanese product - by appealing even more than 360 to the even larger general gaming audience outsold the 360 handily (until recently) and very likely took a huge part of that demographic from Sony who actually had a lot of that demographic tied up with the PS2.

Meanwhile in Japan I'd say the situation was reversed. The 360 features/library didn't meet local gaming preferences that well and sold accordingly. The relatively early RROD also no doubt hurt the brand more in Japan than US. The PS3 sold a bit better but not that much until it got the games/features right. Meanwhile, as in US, the Wii, which appealed the most, sold the most.

If you look at it you'll see local markets actually buying the product that appeals through features - not where the HQ was based. And that's just focusing on consoles - cast the net wider to more electronic devices and you'll see the device that appeals wins much more than not irrespective of the company's country of origin.

So can we give the whole patriot, xenophobe thing a rest because the evidence doesn't really support it? If 360 had the best library/features for Japan it would sell the most there - I'm sure of it. Similarly if PS3 had the best features/library for US it would sell the most there.

A final point on that - look at the differences and you'll see that the PS3 sells better in US than 360 in Japan because it has (and has had for a while) a better local proposition than 360 in Japan. Check the 360 spikes early on in Japan when it had the right titles - the problem is MS could never get the mix right in a consistent manner, they had RROD brand damage to overcome (their fault but still it mattered) and finally I think Live being a charged service and holding the keys to other online features wasn't accepted too much in Japan.

Again, the evidence simply shows sales ratios relative to local appeal based on features not country of origin by company.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...