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My great grandmother used to tell us ghost stories that supposedly happened to her when she was younger. I was probably ten years old or so when she told them, though.

-She told about the time she and her brothers were walking past a church when some guy in black was in graveyard. She said that her brothers told her to keep walking and not to look back. The guy followed them and kept tapping her on the hat until they got out of view of the church. When she looked back, nobody was there.
-She told another story about a ghost that grabbed her and pulled her under a house. In retrospect, that may have been a pedo-bear.

From personal experience:
-I tell this story every time one of these threads pop up. I was a cop and it was part of our job to check on businesses and churches after every thing quieted down in the county. Anyway, I had just gotten a DS. I used to always park at the airport and play Mario Kart DS online (free Wi-Fi!) instead of doing my job. That night, I was playing Advance Wars Dual Strike when I was supposed to be working. I parked in front of a church and played the game. In the rear view mirror, I saw a light behind me--in the graveyard. I looked back. There was nothing. I kept playing the game. Again, I saw a light in my rear view mirror. I didn't even look back. I put the car in drive and got the hell out of there!

-Second story: Putting a note in the door (which is how we proved we were actually checking the places we claim we check, after hours) of this old landmark building in our home town--supposedly the only place that survived when General somebody burned down our town during the Civil War. Saw that the door was partially open. I pushed the door but instead of opening, the door slammed closed. That was my cue to calmly get into my car and leave.

-Third story: Was at a church, putting a note into the door. As I was leaving the note, I heard something that sounded like a baby crying, only really loud. Maybe it was Obi Wan Kenobi, trying to scare away Jawas. Whatever it was, it was enough for me to get back to my car and get the hell out of there. I didn't even leave the note. I brought it back to the car with me!

I'm not a coward. I used to walk through a graveyard at night (around midnight) to get home from work when I lived in Atlanta. I don't believe in ghosts......but I don't fuck around with them, either!