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coolbeans said:
Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:
Mr Puggsly said:
Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:

Its because people have already tried controller-motion with the wii... and kinect appealed more because of its first controller-free theme...

Well you gotta give that credit to the Eyetoy. But Kinect is in a different ballpark park than Eyetoy.

Move is definitely perceived as a Wiimote clone. Worst of all it has little to offer that demonstrates how its superior to the Wiimote.

Sorry, I forgot to mention that the eyetoy is where it all began...

Thanks man

Actually, no.  If we're going to play that history game we have to consider that octogan Sega made.  I don't remember the name but some posters should know what I'm talking about.

You're talking about the Activator.

People who think the Eye Toy is some incredible camera needs to learn more about cameras. The Eye Toy is nothing more than a regular camera, one that was available on PCs way before PS2. Movement tracking through digital cams began in the 80s if I remember correctly but I could be wrong, all I know is that it all appeared before the 16bits era. Tracking movements in 3D is something else though, if I remember correctly, it all appeared in the 80s too but at a ridiculous cost and the technology behind it was way different. I should do some research actualy.

Some believe that Sony, Apple and Nintendo refused the technology from Primesense because it wasn't good but I believe that they realised it would cost way too much to operate. Microsoft saw big in Kinect and they were right. Games is only the beginning, soon it'll be used on tv shows where tvs will come with the technology, cars, planes, houses, everything that needs controls. Brag all you want about it how better Move is but soon enough games will greatly benefit from Kinect. 3D without glasses can be achieved with this technology and look for it next gen when every xb 720 comes with it by default.