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My experience occurred last year- this is my own experience, and I have no reason to lie. I'm sure that there are logical explanations for what happened to me that night, but I am convinced that it was ghosts. You can't appreciate the thoughts behind those who believe in the supernatural before you've experienced an event yourself - it's crazy.

It turns out that the hotel that I was staying at was actually known for being haunted, but I didn't know about this until after I'd left the place- the rooms were very cheap (I guess I know why), and that's all that mattered to me. There's not much creepy atmosphere to this story, I'm afraid- it's just a normal hotel room in the countryside.

It was around 8pm when my wardrobe door slammed shut. I was very curious, since my window wasn't open- but I guess a breeze could have come from elsewhere.
However, at about 9/10pm, my friend came into the room (who was travelling with me) and told me that he genuinely saw a woman dressed in white walk across the corridor at the bottom of the stairs into the opposite room - he didn't think anything of it, until he noticed that she had no feet! Naturally scared, he didn't investigate any further, although I wasn't sure at the time whether he was joking with me (although he did look pretty serious).
The serious thing came at around midnight (what a great time for a ghostly occurrence) - I know the time, because I was asleep when my alarm clock started beeping. Half-asleep, I tried to work out why it was going off now, since I'd set it for 7am, when I realised that it was beeping in MORSE CODE - this is for real, I was terrified xD I learnt afterwards that there is a ghost in the place called the "Admiral" who enjoys messing around with alarm clocks.
Of course, I was half asleep, and I could have not been thinking right, but I know what happened that night, and that's enough for me. I heard that spirits can latch onto people, but I haven't had any similar experiences since :)

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~